Hjärtebarnsfonden (Swedish Heart Foundation)

Representative: Katarina Hanseus
Every year, 1000 families in Sweden are told that their newborn children are wrong at their heart. It can be anything from minor holes that grow back on their own to life-threatening situations that require immediate surgery. Today, more than 40,000 people with congenital heart defects live, nearly half of whom are under 18 years of age.
Hjärtebarnsfonden is the Swedish Fund for Congenital heart defects. It is a nationwide, independent interest organization that has been actively working since 1975 to give voice to the heart children and their families, thereby highlighting and improving their often very tough life situation. Hjärtebarnsfonden collects just over 6,000 members in 12 Hjärtebarnsföreningar locally anchored throughout Sweden. A thirteenth compound is nationally active and collects adults with congenital heart defects, Grown up with Congenial Heart Disease. It is Sweden’s only patient association for this group.
More information: www.hjartebarnsfonden.se