Katja Laine

Katja Laine
I am Katja Laine. I am working as an executive director in the Finnish Association for Heart Children and Adults. I got involved with the congenital heart disease via my daughter, who was born in 1996 with a severe heart defect and that lead my way to association, where I have been working from the year 2001.
Our association has been always active on international collaboration and we have seen that work very valuable. Through that, I personally have had an active role also on the European Congenital Heart Disease Organisation, ECHDO, which is an umbrella organization for the European CHD organisations and groups.
Role in sydänlapset ja-aikuiset
Executive director
Role in the European Patient Advocacy Group
ePAG member since 2020
Contact: katja.laine@sydanlapsetjaaikuiset.fi