Gaëlle Marguin

Gaëlle Marguin
I founded Petit Coeur de Beurre. My son was born with a congenital heart diseases an I wanted to help another families and caregivers.
I was responsible for communication and I am now an employee of Petit Coeur de Beurre since 2017. My role in the organization is co-founder and director-general.
My main mission is to coordinate the teams and manage the structure, and I also have a mission to inform the patient, and I work on research projects. My goal is to best represent the patient’s voice.
I have this real belief that we can help improve the patient’s quality of life through work co-built with healthcare professionals.
Role in Petit Cœur de Beurre
Co-founder and director general
Role in the European Patient Advocacy Group
ePAG member since 2022