LMNA Cardiac

Representative: Stefan Bassant

Rogier Veltrop

Second contact person: Rogier Veltrop



Disease(s) Covered:

Familial Cardiomyopathies

  • Dilated cardiomyopathy

Other Rare Cardiac Diseases

  • Other rare cardiac diseases (LMNA cardiomyopathy)


  • Sudden cardiac death
  • LMNA mutation

Aims of the Organization

Network for LMNA cardiac disease experts and patients LMNAcardiac.org is a network with a focus on LMNA cardiac diseases. We provide information and networking opportunities for both patients and experts to speed up research and development. Our focus is on creating a network that generates connections between researchers, experts, companies, and patients. We are here to progress things and help our network in whatever way we can.

Activities of the Organization
Building network of LMNA experts, patients and companies. Speeding up research and development. Informing patients and experts about LMNA (webinars etc.).

More information www.lmnacardiac.org

Contact: info@lmnacardiac.org