Giovanna Martina Campioni

Giovanna Campioni
I am AICCA (ACHD Association) National Manager, counselor and peer counselor. I live with a complex Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) and I have an extensive experience in peer to peer support and advocacy. The experiences, that I lived, made me strong, proud, sunny and happy. They gave me the will to live, that I try to transmit to others.
Role in AICCA
National Manager and Board Member
Role in the European Patient Advocacy Group
ePAG member since 2022
Goal to achieve by being an ePAG
My goals that I set myself are:
- Being able to create projects to expand patient empowerment. Having control of one’s pathology, understanding one’s rights, but above all understanding how to choose to live one’s life is essential in order to be able to live with one’s pathology.
- Being able to make the patient, with his needs, but also, and above all, with his know-how become concrete, not only at the center of the healthcare system, but alongside it.
- Create a viral not visible disability campaign.
- Most important goal is to learn learn learn.