Umeå University Hospital

Healthcare provider: Umeå University Hospital is the largest hospital in the northern health region in Sweden, with 5600 employees. The hospital is responsible for highly specialized care and service to an area covering more than half of Sweden. The care and treatment provided are of high quality and the hospital has for several years been top ranked as one of the best university hospital in Sweden. It is also responsible for the National Specialised Medical Care of brachial plexus injuries and has the medical responsibility for the Swedish National Air Medevac, SNAM, and have operational responsibility for the Swedish air ambulance. Extensive research and teaching is conducted in close collaboration with Umeå University. In order to further develop top class regional care, the County Council has appointed six profile areas:
- Cardiovascular genetics
- Airborne intensive transport
- Neonatal intensive care
- Stereotactic functional neurosurgery
- Radiotherapy
- Treatment of brachialplexus injuries.
Centre for rare and complex heart diseases: The Centre for Cardiovascular Genetics (CCG) at Umeå University Hospital conducts investigations and treatments for patients and families with monogenic cardiovascular diseases. The Centre is the result of a close collaboration between the department of Pediatrics , the Heart Centre, Department of internal medicine and Clinical genetics. CCG provides expertise in the assessment of different disease phenotypes, as well as genetic analysis and evaluation. CCG receive patient referrals from all parts of Sweden, and in particular, genetic samples are sent from all parts of Sweden. The Centre, represented by Stellan Mörner, has been invited by the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare to provide expert knowledge in the Board’s work on Swedish national guidelines for cardiac care, resulting in high priorities concerning investigation of patients and families with monogenic cardiovascular disease. The department of Clinical Genetics offers complete genetic analysis, with massive parallel sequencing technology (NGS) in clinical routine.

Dr. Stellan Mörner (↑) is a cardiologist and Prof. Dr. Annika Rydberg (↓) is a paediatric cardiologist. They are the representative members of the Umeå University Hospital in ERN GUARD-HEART.