Complejo Hospitalario Regional Virgen del Rocío

Healthcare provider
Virgen del Rocio University Hospital is one of the biggest public university hospitals in Spain, located in Andalucía, in Seville. The high level of competence and professionalism with which their staff, a team of more than 9.600 people, work allows them to maintain a leading position. More than 52,000 admissions, 365,000 emergencies, 61,000 surgical interventions, 1,100,000 consultations, around 362 transplants (25 of them cardiac) and 8,600 deliveries are part, every year, of our main activities. Including the Institute of Biomedicine, a multidisciplinary biomedical joint research Centre of CSIC, managing knowledge, investing in new technology and innovation, incorporating further approaches to hospital management and making progress in biomedical research are some of our challenges.
The Cardiology & Cardiovascular Surgery Department offers specialist care, with advanced procedures and the most innovative technology. It provides patient-centered attention and offers medical care agreed on by the entire Cardiology team. The Department is at the forefront of heart-disease treatment and offers multidisciplinary high-quality care for patients. The nursing team is also a key feature for offering excellent care. They take part in every diagnostic and therapeutic procedure, in educating patients and their families, in secondary prevention for the early detection of diseases and in-patient rehabilitation. Its training program includes undergraduate, master’s and doctoral students, the medical specialization in Cardiology program (national wide MIR program), several post-MIR sub-specialization programs and ongoing medical education. In 2018, the Hospital Alliance between Virgen del Rocio University Hospital (HUVR) and Virgen Macarena University Hospital (HUVM) received the National Reference Center (CSUR) designation for the comprehensive attention for adults with congenital heart disease (ACHD) by the Spanish Ministry of Health. The CSUR designation implies that the centers fulfil strict activity and quality criteria subject to annual audit. Moreover, a national recertification process is conducted every 5 years. This designation implies receiving patients referred from hospitals from all over Spain, specially the south.
Intercenter Adult Congenital Heart Disease Unit
The Intercenter ACHD Unit is a high-volume center that covers all aspects of care related to congenital heart diseases. It has a team of well-trained professionals with the required competencies within its area of expertise and good integration and interaction between the professionals of its multidisciplinary team. The ACHD Unit also has advanced cardiac imaging facilities, a specialized electrophysiological unit, 2 cath labs with high experience performing diagnostic procedures and percutaneous interventions, cardiac surgery department both for adults and children, heart transplant/LVAD programs, and their members collaborate and liaise closely with cardiac pathology specialists, molecular genetics lab, the Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Genetics and Reproduction Unit and pediatric cardiac specialists. Moreover, the ACHD Unit demonstrates a high-level wide-range commitment to quality of care and patient safety and has a defined set of objectives for education and training activities, delivering a high specialized level of education and training in the Network’s area of expertise.

Dr. Pastora Gallego