AORN dei Colli/Monaldi Hospital

Healthcare provider: Azienda Ospedaliera di Rilievo Nazionale “dei Colli” (AORN Colli), was established in the 2010 from the merging of 3 hospitals: Monaldi Hospital, Cotugno Hospital and C.T.O. Hospital. AORN Colli is localized in Naples (3.127.290 million inhabitants in 2016), in the so called “Hospital Macro Area” of the city, where a number of II level centres (referral: 65.000 to 1.200.000 inhabitants) are based:
- AORN Cardarelli: referral for emergency in Campania and part of south of Italy;
- AO Policlinico Federico II and SUN/Vanvitelli: university/academic hospitals;
- IRCCS Pascale: referral for oncology
Among AORN Colli hospitals, Monaldi Hospital is the referral centre for cardiology, cardiothoracic surgery, and pneumology; Cotugno is the referral centre for infective diseases; C.T.O. is the referral centre for orthopaedics, neurology and neurosurgery. AORN Colli governance is assured by:
- Strategic direction is carried out by the Board of Directors: Chief Executive Officer, Chief Medical Officer and Chief Financial Officer responsible of all the AOC management.
- Clinical administration is carried by Director Council, Unit Medical Director, Unit Medical Directors, Hospital directors, Department Directors, Health Care Managing Director. They are responsible for the efficiency and the effectiveness of the clinical procedures and for the risk management.
- Audit activities is carried out by Audit Council and it guarantees and verify the enforcement of the rules.
- Economic and management governance is carried out by Chief Financial Officer and Main Structures Directors. It’s their responsibility to obtain financial results and guarantee the efficiency in the administrative field.
- Compulsory advisory activities is carried out by Doctors Council. This board face and resolve technical issues for the organization activities.
Centre for rare and complex heart diseases: The AORN dei Colli/Monaldi Hospital is part of the “Campania Region Organization Program” for Rare Disease as the regional referral centre (“hub” centre, according to the Piano Ospedaliero Campano 2016) for rare cardiovascular diseases and associated conditions ( The centre is included in the regional and national network of rare diseases, for certification of cardiovascular and associated rare diseases (including: Rasopathies, Anderson Fabry Disease, Di George Disease, Marfan syndrome), as listed in the Italian legislation (DM 279/2001). The AORN Colli/Monaldi, as part of the “Campania Region Organization Program” for Rare Disease, shares a national database and procedures for the care of patients with rare diseases with a network that includes eight Italian Regions. A rare cardiovascular disease clinic is in place since 2004, run by a specialized cardiologist in collaboration with other multidisciplinary figures (geneticists, metabolists, neurologists, nephrologists, etc.), within the hospital and/or within different regional (prof Di Iorio and Sampaolo, Neurology- Second University of Naples; Dr. Melis-Prof Strisciuglio, Clinical Genetic Unit of the Department of Paediatrics, “Federico II” University of Naples; Prof Parenti, Metabolic Unit, Department of Paediatrics, “Federico II” University of Naples – Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine, Napoli, Italy) and national centres (Dr Tartaglia – Molecular Genetics and Functional Genomics Research Unit and Genetics and Rare Diseases Research Division at the Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù, Rome, Italy; Maria Cristina Digilio – Medical Genetics, Bambino Gesu’ Hospital).

Dr. Giuseppe Limongelli is a a cardiologist and the representative member of the AORN dei Colli/Monaldi Hospital in ERN GUARD-HEART.