Aarhus Universitets Hospital

About Aarhus University Hospital
Aarhus University Hospital belongs to the elite of university hospitals. Aarhus University Hospital serves the citizens in the local area and provides highly specialised treatment for all patients in Central Denmark Region. The criteria for highly specialised services being: Rare diseases, Complex conditions and Resource demanding conditions
AUH covers a full range of medical specialties and has nearly 500 out of 600 highly specialised services in Denmark. Aarhus University Hospital has 43 clinical departments, 856 beds and 10.000 employees. (2020 data)
Aarhus University Hospital is affiliated with Aarhus University.
The Department of Cardiology
The Department of Cardiology at Aarhus University Hospital is an internationally renowned and highly specialised department for diagnosis and state-of-the-art treatment of every aspect of heart disease. The department is dynamic and innovative, dedicated to excellence in research, education and clinical care. Focused on integrated patient care, treatments span from standard non-invasive procedures such as medical treatment of hypertension to highly advanced invasive procedures such as heart transplantation, electrophysiology testing and pacemaker treatment, including biventricular pacemaker and ICD implantation.
The department collaborates with the most well reputed heart centres worldwide. Moreover, a large number of foreign heart specialists stay in the department for a short or longer period of time contributing to an international atmosphere.
The Clinic for Inherited Heart Diseases
Patients with inherited heart diseases are seen in the Clinic for Inherited Heart Diseases at Aarhus University Hospital. Approximately 1600 patients annually are followed at the outpatient Clinic. The Clinic covers patients from the Central Jutland region (Region Midtjylland) covering approx. 1.2 mill people. The team members collectively have many years of experience with diagnosis and treatment of children and adults with all types of inherited heart diseases. The Clinic for Inherited Heart Diseases monitor probands and relatives with different diseases from infancy until old age depending on the type and severity of disease progression. The patients are seen on a regular basis in accordance with the national and international consensus guidelines. The multidisciplinary approach includes a network/team to ensure that diagnostics are performed according to highest international standards, with patient centred and coordinated care. The multidisciplinary team comprises genetic cardiologists, clinical geneticists, molecular geneticists, pathologists, forensic pathologists. In addition to taking care of patients using a multidisciplinary approach, Aarhus University Hospital is dedicated to generating and sharing knowledge on how to diagnose and treat patients. Aarhus University Hospital is continuously performing investigator-initiated research projects as well as participating in international projects. The healthcare professionals also contribute to exchange of knowledge by providing pre- and postgraduate teaching.

Prof. Henrik Kjærulf Jensen