University Hospitals Leuven

Healthcare provider: The University Hospitals Leuven (UZL) is one of the largest hospitals in Belgium. The expertise and motivation of its 9178 employees guarantees optimal patient services. In 2016, UZL registered 57438 admissions, 108476 single-day admissions and 702712 outpatient visits. The task of the UZL is caring for patients, conducting research and providing training at academic level within the University of Leuven (KUL). The strength of UZL is the permanent current of ideas and innovations, of scientific research at the highest level of experiences and tradition. The UZL do not exclude any area of medicine. Integrated care is offered in the areas of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation. The UZL make continuous efforts to become one of the leading international centers in terms of content and organization. Focusing on Europe ensures expansion and broadening of expertise which are necessary to make the most advanced quality medicine available for every patient.
Centre for rare and complex heart diseases: The Centre of Hereditary Heart Disease or ‘Centrum voor Erfelijke Hartziekten’ (CEH) is a joint initiative of the department of cardiovascular diseases and the Centre for Human Genetics of the university hospitals in Leuven . It was initiated in 2002 with the specific aim to collect and analyze the congenital cardiac arrhythmias and cardiomyopathies in a clinical setting and to establish a strong collaboration between the different partners. Cardiologists and clinical and molecular geneticists meet and discuss cases on a monthly basis. From the start, the CEH has aimed at fostering research into this important group of diseases.

Prof. dr. Tomas Robyns is a cardiologist and an ERN GUARD-HEART member from the University Hospitals Leuven.